# CgEditorPhysics
A Box2d Editor. Help user easily arrange Box2d objects.
## Authors
# Changelog (CgEditorPhysics)
## Authors
## [v0.1.4](/view/CgEditorPhysics/0.1.4) (2018-08-12)
#### Added
- add more editable fields on physics body
#### Fixed bugs:
- body rotation was not restored
## [v0.1.3](/view/CgEditorPhysics/0.1.3) (2018-08-10)
#### Added
- add basic json check when import physics json file
## [v0.1.2](/view/CgEditorPhysics/0.1.2) (2018-08-10)
#### Added
- add buttons to save/import json file
#### Changed
- Change project to demostration purpose.
## [v0.0.4](/view/CgEditorPhysics/0.0.4) (2018-08-02)
#### Added
- first build
- able to add/move body
- able to add/move fixture
- able to move vertices of polygon/chain/edge
- able to convert between circle/box/polygon/chain